Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Vow

    My boss at work said that this movie was good. I decided  to check it out. I don't have any really strong opinions about this movie. I can't say it was good or bad, or if I liked it or not. Sorry, lame review I have got going. Don't have the magic movie reviewing mojo going on.

   This movie is really loosely based on a true story. When I looked up the true story, the plot seemed more interesting than this movie. I wondered why they didn't stay truer to the real life story it was based on. The movie is about a husband and a wife that get into a car accident. The wife looses her short term memory and can't remember ever even being married to her husband. She doesn't remember her husband, or that she is married. She is very apprehensive about going home with this strange man when she wakes up from her coma.

   The movie is about the husband fighting to keep their marriage together, when his wife frankly doesn't even seem interested in him any more.

   In a way, come to think of it, I did like this movie because I found it to be very interesting, and not for what it is at face value. Though this is a romance movie, or a testimony to keeping the faith in marriage in love, I was much more interested in the other facets of this movie, that didn't even have to do with the boy girl relationship.

   This women was a completely different person five years ago. She forgot the last five years of her life, and waking up to the decisions she made in the last five years were a true shock to her. She didn't know or understand the person she had become. She wasn't even sure liked her new self. She wanted to go back to her old life altogether. Seeing her go back to her college friends, and spending time with her family, it really was like a whole different society and standing from the new life she made for herself. 

   Other than her self exploration, I found her relationship with her family and rebuilding that even more interesting than the relationship with her husband as well. She hasn't spoken to her parents and siblings in years. When she wakes up in the hospital, she is shocked when she figures this out. She realizes her husband and her parents never met. She doesn't believe that he is her husband. She questions him, if you were really my husband, why haven't you met my parents? This was a big part of the story line. 

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