Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dinner for Schmucks

    This is the first thing that I have seen with Steve Carell that was hilarious. (I didn't think his other stuff was funny.) I laughed out loud, not "LOL" figuratively, but literally, through much of the movie. But, that was just me. Humor is in the ear of the hearer?

    Though it had some cheap sex humor, or silly stuff in it, I thought this was a sophisticated comedy. I was impressed with tiny little details. I was thinking to myself, that, whoever wrote this movie is more intelligent than the average writer of scripts, especially for comedies. It just had a lot of subtle features, most people would have taken for granted if they weren't paying attention. I can't quite explain it, but it was just precious in some ways. This movie was loosely based on a french film called Le Diner de Cons. I want to watch that movie too.

    This movie is about a guy trying to get his girlfriend to marry him, and so he thinks that moving ahead and getting promoted will help his chances. He works at an equity firm ran by creeps that like to throw a dinner once a month making fun of the biggest idiot he can find. He has to find an idiot to take to a dinner party to impress his creepy boss and co-workers. The comedy just starts from that premise, and it becomes one of the funniest comedies I have ever seen.

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