Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Accidental Tourist (the movie)

     This movie is from the 80s! I grew up seeing the book, the Accidental Tourist on the bookshelf at my parent's house. My dad read a lot of books by the author Anne Tyler, who of course, wrote The Accidental Tourist. I haven't read the books. But, I watched the movie! I really did like this movie a lot.
     I might read the book that was written in 1985. It won a Pulitzer, and other awards. The movie was made just a few years later in 1988. I love the eighties. I don't know what it is, but even eighties movies, have something special about them. 

     I really ragged on the movie Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. If you read my recent review of that movie, you would know I don't particularly care for it. I bring up that movie because it was hysterically and painfully, grasping at straws trying to show exactly what this movie, The Accidental Tourist showed, with much more realism, grace, finesse. This movie rung much truer to me. It did exactly what Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close tried to do and failed; to show the pain and remorse of the loss of a loved one, and how they found a way to heal from it. 

   Sorry the to the people who made Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: You don't have to show someone crying and screaming and having tantrums and write the most ridiculous inconceivable plot, and have the most obnoxious main character to convey the pain of death and coping with the loss. 

   What this movie did was show pain and coping with it in a much realer, realistic, reasonable, way that really resonated with me and spoke deeply to what is true to me and in my own life. At least to me. It was well written, and acted. I really enjoyed this movie. 

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