Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sex and the City 2

I didn't see Sex and the City 1....the first movie. But, I did watch the actual TV show when it was on re-runs late at night a few years back. I liked the show a bit, and I did get into it, just because I had only 5 channels at the time and the only thing on late at night when I came home from working a late shift while in college.

It was about 4 single women (getting up there in age) with good careers trying to find someone. It talked about dating and relationships a lot in a very thoughtful way through the eyes of Carrie Bradshaw, who had her own column in the newspaper called Sex and the City. Each episode was narrated with thoughts from her column that would be published in the paper. A lot of the thoughts were deep insightful and witty. This movie was set up with the occasional narration from Carrie Bradshaw about her thoughts on marriage instead of dating. A change from the TV show. Carrie in this movie, unlike the show, was married. It was about getting along in married life and finding different ways of living together. This movie was scattered with a lot of funny moments, and it was very entertaining to watch.

I am surprised it received so many poor reviews from the critics. Not just the professional critics, but regular people said horrible things about this film. I can see where they are coming from, they thought it wasn't funny, long and boring, offensive to Muslims and gays, about four privileged women whining, a stupid pointless plot. A shallow movie. I think all those people missed the real meaning and spirit of the movie. They missed the point, and the humor. Look, it's not Masterpiece Theater, it's entertainment. I disagreed with the negative reviews.

I found many of the reviews to be nit picky, overly serious and too snobby and judgemental towards the main characters and the plot. It lacked compassion. Get off your high pedantic pseudo sophisticated high horses. Maybe I have to be Muslim to to see why this movie was offensive to Muslims. But, as I'm not Muslim, I didn't find myself getting a bad impression of Muslims from the movie. If anything I had more respect for them after this movie, and saw them as real people, instead of foreigners in a strange land. That I didn't get a bad impression of them counts for a lot. Muslims should be relieved in that regard. The situations were silly, but that's what the movie was...silly. I don't think people should have been truly offended.

As an American that doesn't travel much, the rest of the world starts to seem fictional. America is surrounded by Ocean, Canada wilderness, and Mexico. It sound nuts, but to us, most of the world and it's people seem to not exist. Even one of our Presidents went down to South America and made the comment, "There is actually people down there." It sound super dumb, but the world starts to seem like a myth such as Avalon when you don't see it, but only hear about it; being removed from it in a remote location as we are.

I thought overall it was well done. It was a fun movie, with a slap of real life struggles and problems to be faced. There were a few things that didn't make sense to why would that Arab dude pay for Samantha and three of her friends to stay in Abu Dhabi on an extravagant trip. The hotel was 22k a night!!! And the odds of Carrie meeting her ex-boyfriend in Abu Dhabi was so slim, it would be close to impossible.

I really liked this movie. It was entertaining, I liked the characters, and the thoughtfulness of each of the plots pertaining to each women. It was professional, and all the threads of the movie came together and made a lot of sense. I have seen a lot of movies lately, and I liked a lot of the movies I watched, but I wasn't that entertained by them though I liked them. But this one was truly entertaining the whole time.

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