Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prince of Persia Sands of Time

Ummm....I liked the movie. But, I guess I'm not passionate enough about it to really say anything much. Huh. There were nice looking people in it, nice looking costumes, nice looking cities. Very good visuals throughout the movie. How shallow of me to notice.

Like the Robin Hood that recently came out, there were a lot of battle scenes, sword fights, and arrows flying too. But as Robin Hood was filled with ugly scenes, and ugly people, wearing mostly hideous dark clothing, in dreary looking lands; this movie was filled with everything beautiful, it made for a better experience in that regard. But, Robin Hood being so ugly made it more real and serious. This was a polished Disney movie, and Robin Hood was rough, real and rugged.

In both Robin Hood and Prince of Persia, there was a a betrayal by a trusted friend or relative that really helped shape the plot and drama of the movie. In both movies too, the main characters were excellent in battle, and brave to stand up for what is right despite the terrible risks involved. I saw both movies only two days apart from each other, and I can't help but compare.

I complain that Robin Hood is too ugly, and Prince of Persia is too pretty. I am surprised to complain about that, because everything being so gorgeous made the movie more watchable and enjoyable. The reverse was true for Robing Hood. But, Robin Hood had the rawness and the misery of real life. It would be interesting to see the reverse. The makers of Robin Hood filming the Prince of Persia, and the makers of the Prince of Persia filming Robin Hood. That would be a fascinating turn of events.

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