Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood

I think that Clint Eastwood was really hot when he was younger. I watched the Good, Bad and the Ugly a bunch of times mainly for this reason, oh and I liked the movie too.

I didn't like Million Dollar Baby, even though it received really rave reviews by the critics and won a lot of awards. I had a lot to say about the movie that was negative. Needless to say, a part of me was weary of seeing this movie.

I read the description of it on yahoo movies, and the critics made is seem like a really serious, soul sucking, 4 hour drama that will weigh you down, full of controversy and subjects for debate to even further weary the mind.

What the critics on yahoo movies failed to portray about Gran Torino, was that it was hilarious!!!! I laughed the whole time. No soul sucking involved. I know, it does not seem like a comedy, and it's really not, but the movie was very funny and very serious at the same time. Few movies can pull that stunt off. In a way, the movie was just like real life. Real life has a lot of drama, but people stop to joke and make fun with each other too, and just live their life.

This movie was done really well. It was realistic, and every scene was like a fine crafted piece of art work. This movie is not a movie I will forget. Most movies, I forget the characters, what happened, where it happened. But, I will remember every scene and and character of Gran Torino. It was so cool. I replayed a lot of the movie in my head, something about it just sticks in my mind. There is some violence, and some bad language, that didn't bother me too much though. I was mainly replaying the conversations that took place.

I read a lot of reviews before seeing the movie to make sure it would be okay for me to watch. I thought it was on the level, but others may not think so. It portrays racism, but not in a serious way. I was not offended, maybe I should have been. The movie has a lot of bad language too.

Clint Eastwood was really good in this movie. He did an excellent job acting, and directing. I loved the ending to this movie too. I think the movie was almost perfect. The only thing about the movie that troubled me is believing that Tao's cousin would be that mean over nothing. It was a little far fetched for me. But, I hear stuff on the news that says someone got murdered for a scooter, so you never really know with some people. I thought that Clint's immediate family also seemed a bit stereotypical, as if they are not real people. But, his family was only in a few scenes of the movie, and I think they were supposed to not seem real, because he was not close to his family. I think that this is a great movie, that entertained me a lot.

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