Sunday, January 8, 2012

J. Edgar

Now, I don't have a crush on Leonardo Decaprio, believe me, but when I see he is in a movie I am more likely to go see it. Leonardo says he really cares a about making classic films that will still be good one hundred years from now. Clint Eastwood also had something to do with this movie as well. J. Edgar was in charge of the FBI for many years. 49 or 48 years. He made the FBI science based and a more viable power. He really did some good things and made some contributions to society. J. Edgar Hoover was a bit of a shocking movie for me. Despite his contributions, he was a sad petty little man, with a sad life, who abused his powers by blackmailing people, getting them in trouble if he didn't like them. Blackballing people, etc. He was alive when communisim was a threat inside the USA. He would acuse people or blacklist people due to suspected communism. He ruined peoples' lives and careers. He had people deported. He fired people for petty reasons, if someone was mean to him, he would try to use the FBI to destroy them. I was shocked at the movie becausd he was the main character and I am used to the main character in most movies being a hero and not a villan. I was incredulous. He said what?! He just did what?! I was shocked over and over again. He was 't likeable as a main character, and I am also used to the main character being likeable. Even as bad as entertainment has gotten, with sex, violence, shallow materialism, other bad influences... I am still used to the main character being a hero. I was disturbed by this movie, but the historical aspect of it made it worth seeing. After seeing this movie, I realized how ignorant I am and that I need to educate myself more. I also feel ignorant when I watch Jeopardy.

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