Saturday, August 28, 2010

Julie and Julia

This movie had a happy ending and it had an interesting premise. It really spoke to the human situation of not knowing what to do with yourself, and finding yourself. Sticking to something, and finishing it.

I just found this movie really boring though, despite it's grand nod towards the human condition. It wasn't what I thought it would be at all. Though it had clips from the life of Julia Child, it was mainly about a blogger named Julie Powell, who believing she was a loser, and going nowhere in her life, decided to find herself. So, she started a blog where she was to cook a recipe everyday from Julia Child's cook book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and then write about it in her blog.

This movie was too much about, "who read my blog?, and wow I have so many readers of my blog! Oh, my cooking is great, everyone is reading my blog!, opps, I dropped the chicken on the floor. I ruined the mold, the stew is bland, I'm not a good human, my days are going badly, freaking out when I have a disaster." "I'm learning about Julia Child, she was such a great women, she is an inspiration, I'm strangely connected to her and feel a kinship because I'm cooking all the recipes from her book"..."Am I a bitch, am I a horrible wife, I'm narcissistic and self centered because of my blog?" Then it's "Yay, everyone is calling me for a book deal, phone calls, publishers calling me...bla, bla, bla...yada, all that jazz."

That's what this movie felt like. Overkill of all the above. The movie was dull and uninteresting.

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